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  • Writer's pictureKara

Street and Nye

After doing the Dix Range the day before, we figured this would be a nice hike for the following day. We woke up and had a delicious breakfast at the ADK Trail Inn. Then we headed over to the ADK Loj, the same place we went to when we hiked Phelps and Table top.

Street and Nye are also not marked or maintained trails, so finding our way was similar to doing the Dix Range and Table top, follow the cairns. For the most part, this trail is straight forward. To the right of pulling into the Loj is the start of the trail. As you go along, you'll notice the trail breaking off, just stay to the right! We signed in the book and noticed there was one other group of hikers before us who were doing the same hike. We started hiking and both noticed quickly that there were lots of trees that fell and are now covering the trail, which with our sore legs were fun to try and get over.

As we hiked, we knew we had to hike across a brook so we brought our keens. Thankfully, the brook was very low, so going across was easy. The hardest part of the brook is known where to cross. If you ever do it, keep going until there is a wide opening with a ton of cairns, you'll see the trail on the other side.

After crossing the brook we encountered another one. Both of us were unaware that there were 2 to cross so we kept finding other places to go. Eventually we noticed a trail on the other side and crossed the brook to find that there are definitely 2 brooks to cross! The trail was very easy to follow after that. There are plenty of cairns, thank goodness and the terrain was manageable. Some muddy areas and some trees in our faces, but nothing compared to the day prior at Dix. We began to climb up pretty quickly and were curious of when we would get to the intersection of Street and Nye.

Finally we did and ran into the other hikers. It was a group of 2 adults and young kids, maybe 8 years old. They were so excited to see us and tell us where we should go. They also informed us that there is nothing to see since it was cloudy, we both thought...again? The children told us to do Nye first. Getting to Nye from the intersection is a very short distance and extremely easy!

After that we went back to the intersection and headed over to Street. Street is a little less than 1 mile, but it is steep during some parts of it. Once getting to the top of Street there are 3 look out areas, and we could not find the sign. Well, the marker is right before the look out areas. We took some pictures there and then sat in one of the look out areas to enjoy what we hoped would be a nice view, but due to weather there was nothing.

As we ate our PBJ's we began to notice some peaks forming in the distance and took a few more pictures before heading out.

While hiking down, it began to get sunny and warm and we both were sad we weren't able to see more. Thankfully once we got back down to the bottom near Heart Lake, we were able to take some nice pictures with the mountains! This trail we both said was more moderate than difficult. It was roughly 8 miles and we both said it was easier than Table top and Phelps.

On the way home, we stopped at my co-worker Liz's in Lake George to go for a swim. We both thought the swim would help get the mud off of us, but it did not work as well as we intended. After showering and a quick nap, we headed into the village to watch fire works while eating dinner. We went to the Boardwalk and had shrimp tacos and crab cakes!

After the fire works, we drove back to Albany and felt very successful in all that we accomplished this summer as our first year towards our 46. 9 down 37 to go.

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