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  • Writer's pictureKara

Diamond Head & Manoa Falls - Oahu

Our second day in Hawaii we decided to go check out Diamond Head since Jonathon wasn't able to. We ate at the Aloha Kitchen for breakfast, which was delicious!

There are lots of people at Diamond Head during the day, so walking or taking an uber is probably more ideal. We decided to walk there along the water!

At Diamond Head, wearing sneakers is sufficient. We did see a girl wearing wedges, which I would not advise.

After going up to the top, we both were hungry. There is a little food stand in the parking lot. One of the best $10 I spent on the trip, was on this acai bowl.

Then we took an uber and headed to Manoa Falls! The weather took a major turn on our drive there. It was pouring rain. Thankfully there is a little cafe just before the trail. We stayed there for awhile until the rain lightened up. The view of the falls was worth it!

I was so shocked to see so much bamboo! I love pandas, so this was really cool. When we were done, we decided to check out a hike nearby that was on my All Trails app. Unfortunately, it was really cloudy, so the picture below is all we could see. It was also a very muddy trail so I wouldn't recommend it.

After showering and getting ready for the evening. We went over to see the sunset.

That night we met my friend Jess out with her roommates at the Pint + Jigger. We had dinner there and headed to a few bars after that!

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