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  • Writer's pictureKara

Longmont, CO & The Holiday Season

Sorry it has been so delayed since my last blog! Things have gotten so busy. The second week of December, Aaron and I went to visit Omi, my grandma. We were originally going to go there for Thanksgiving, but flights were insanely expensive that week. The second weekend of December was so cheap we couldn’t resist!

Omi turned 90 this past May and we were able to visit her for her birthday (yes there is a blog post about that), but we knew she was a little lonely near the holidays and she was thrilled to have us! The morning after we got there, we took her out to La Peep, one of her favorite restaurants.

After that we ran some errands in her little Honda.

Omi enjoys relaxing and reading the paper. Sometimes it takes convincing to get her out of the house! Thankfully, we got her out of the house the following day to go walk on Main Street, have an apple fritter at Winchell's, and see the lights at Roosevelt Park.

On our last night there, we took Omi to Dickens 300 Prime. They have amazing food and we wanted to treat her to a nice dinner. She even ordered a drink!

Sadly, the next day we had to leave. It was such a fun weekend trip to see her and relax. Aaron read an entire book in those few days which Omi and I were very impressed by!

Just before heading home for the holidays, we celebrated my birthday followed by our early Christmas we have together. Of course, we squeezed a few hikes in there.

One day after it had just snowed, I took Blue Bonnet, the therapy dog at work for a hike up Mount Helena.

She was very tired after and even laid down when we got to the top of the mountain!

We celebrated my birthday by going out to On Broadway after work and of course, I ordered a margarita!

The next day I took Wrigley for a hike up Mount Ascension. One last hike before I left for home!

That night we made reservations to have dinner Wassweiler Dinner House and Pub. I saw online they do an event during the holiday season where they set up an igloo and serve you dinner. The moment I saw that I thought, that would be such a fun Christmas dinner for us! So off we went to have dinner in an igloo. It was so much fun!

Two days later Aaron flew to Kentucky and I flew home to New York. It is hard not being together during Christmas, but neither of us want to be away from our families. One of my good friends Ticia came over while I was home and helped my dad, brother, and I set up the Christmas tree!

My mom and I went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch one day before going shopping. Almost every year we do this!

After shopping we headed back to her house to have dinner, specially made by my brother and his care-taker Mary!

I live in a small city named Fulton, and next to us is Oswego. In the past 2 years they have torn down buildings and put up new places. They have modernized so much of the downtown area and it looks amazing. One of the new places they put in is The Rooftop Lounge. It is at the top of the Litatro building which has apartments and a restaurant as well.

It was really nice and the drinks were great. They have an awesome mock-tail menu too!

Soon it was Christmas day!

The week between Christmas and New Years always seems to fly by. I spent time with Nana, my mom’s mom, who taught me something new to knit! Nana is the best knitter... ever. She makes amazing sweaters, scarves, slippers, anything you can think of! I am so lucky to have her to not only make things for me, but to teach me!

Then Aaron came into town to ring in the New Year! Aaron, Ticia, her boyfriend Bryan, my dad, my brother Ryan, and myself all went to The Rooftop Lounge to enjoy a little appetizer and drinks.

Then we headed downstairs to have dinner at Southern Fare.

After that, we headed home to play some card games and watch the ball drop!

The rest of the time at home we relaxed as much as we could while visiting family. Many of my friends were in quarantine or isolation due to COVID which was so unfortunate since I hadn’t been home in 6 months. Soon we will be living driving distance so hopefully it will not be so long without seeing each other!

Aaron and I flew back to Bozeman, Montana. Our original plan was to leave Montana and head back to Arizona for the winter. Unfortunately, jobs in Lake Havasu City, AZ did not have start dates until the end of February. Aaron and I did not want to be off work that long, so we talked with the director and she gave us the time off to go home for the holidays an extend until the end of January! We are so lucky they did that. Along with this, our friend Kellen who we met in Woodland Hills, CA, decided to start traveling with us. It worked out for him too that his manager gave him time off for the holidays and extended his contract until the end of January just like ours!

Of course during all of this, as if we weren’t busy enough, we decided to buy another condo in Lake Havasu City! Our friends Greg and Wendy who we met while renting at Rio Del Sol, decided to move to Yucca. After a month of their condo being on the market, we decided to put an offer in to see what would happen. Everything fell into place and we closed on their property at the end of December. So while we work at the hospital, we can live at our place and we have an extra room for Kellen! Like I said, it has been a busy few months, but you all will be caught up soon!

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