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  • Writer's pictureKara

Rainy Days in Cape Cod

While on my travel assignment in Cape Cod all summer, I realized, not everyday is sunny blue skies like I had in Florida! Finding something to do can be tough, but here are a few ideas!

1. Go to Eden Hand Arts

Some people who live in Cape Cod have never been to Eden or own a Cape Cod bracelet, but I must say it is worth it. This is more for girls, but guys if you have a girls wrist size you can go and get her something cute! They have lots to choose from, the catch is you have to make an appointment unless you know exactly what you want. My mom and Nana came to visit me and we made an appointment online. They fill fast and you can only book up to 3 people at a time. There is a day time slot and an afternoon slot. If you miss your appointment you cannot EVER come back... which is terrifying. Also, they need an I.D. to match to your appointment name and you have to bring your ticket with you. The shop is very small and parking is difficult, so getting there early is key. There is a line where if you KNOW what you want you can go there without a ticket. Since we had never been, we wanted to go inside and see all the options! Cash or check only as well.

Yes, there are a lot of rules, but you walk out with beautiful jewelry. They do have earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Each item is picked specifically for you. They measure your wrist or neck and make sure it fits perfectly.

2. Woods Hole Aquarium

This is worth checking out and it is free! They do accept donations, but you are not required. It is the oldest aquarium and they rescue and help sea turtles that wash up on the Cape Cod shore! Parking is only on the street in Woods Hole, well that's all I could find. You will need either a credit card or quarters to park.

3. John F. Kennedy Museum

Not that myself or the traveler I went with Dana are huge history people, but we really enjoyed this Museum! We learned a lot about JFK and his history before and during his presidency. Cape Cod was a place he and his family came to for years. It was neat to walk around and read about him and his family legacy.

4. Cape Cod Beer

They do flights and even pair their beers with cookies (possibly was a seasonal thing). They otherwise do not sell food!

5. Naukabout Brewing Company

Naukabout is a great place rain or shine. Of course their patio is great when it is nice, but inside is a great place to sit with friends, have a few beers, and they even have card and board games to play! They also do not sell food, but often have a food truck.

6. Mashpee Commons/Main Streets

These activities you will need an umbrella or rain jacket for. Mashpee Commons has tons of shops, including the wonderful L.L. Bean, and restaurants. It reminds me of an outlet mall. So you will be walking outside, but inside at shops! We ate at Siena and the brussel sprouts were delicious.

Almost every city in Cape Cod has their 'Main Street'. I worked in Falmouth so I found myself going to Falmouth and Woods Hole often. Some of the stores are the same in each city, but some differ. Of course, you have to check out The Black Dog and Soft as a Grape since they are originally from the area! There are cute places to get coffee or tea and warm up. One of my favorite coffee/tea places is Coffee Obsession and for pastries, you have to go to Pie in the Sky in Woods Hole! You will not regret it!

7. Cape Cod Chip Factory

My mom, Nana, and I were on our way to Eden Hand Arts (#1 on this list) and stopped here to check it out on the way. It is free admission and you can purchase chips at the end. It is a self guided tour so you can take as long or as short of a tour as you'd prefer. They give you a packet to tell you about the factory as you go along. We were shocked to see all the potatoes they had and the chips looked so fresh!

8. Stone Path Malt

Okay, so breweries I find to be pretty fun so I had to add this one. This is actually in a giant warehouse and they provide malt for different breweries. These breweries then provide Stone Path Math with some of their beers. So you can go in and try beers from various places. This is great for a rainy day because you can play corn hole, giant jenga, ping pong, and more all inside!

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